Scoli-Fit: a Scoliosis Exercise Program inspired by the Schroth Method.


Scoliosis patients initially diagnosed in adolescence may go on to eventually have pain, repetative injury or scoliosis progression. The Sco-Fit Certification for Certified personal Trainers is currently being offered at select Life Time Athletic Club locations.  Doctors are concerned there aren’t enough well trained providers to offer medical exercise therapy like the Schroth Method for Scoliosis. Scoli-Fit is a non-medical exercise program that is inspired by the Schroth Scoliosis Exercise teachings. If you are a patient or a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, contact us for more information; call 1-800-281-5010 and ask how you can find a Scoli-Fit Certified Scoliosis Exercise provider.


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