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    Kyphosis Treatment

Kyphosis is a normal curve of the spine which protects the spine from scoliosis. When Kyphosis becomes abnormally increased it is termed Hyperkyphosis. Current medical for Kyphosis treatment includes,  watching and waiting, rigid bracing and surgery.

Our approach to Kyphosis treatment  includes aggressive postural rehabilitation, the Schroth Method, chiropractic care and a custom flexible tension orthosis for Kyphosis.

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Kyphosis treatment is designed to improve the relationship of the ribcage to pelvis and the ribcage to shoulders. Kyphosis treatment must take into consideration the viscoelastic properties of the intervertebral discs as well as the ligamentous soft tissues which surround the spine.

General physical therapy and exercises shown without training are not effective ways to manage Kyphosis. Successful Kyphosis treatment can be monitored with Surface Biotopography and does not require serial x-rays.

Combination Kyphosis treatment should include a full time tension orthosis which gently corrects the kyphosis, with aggressive high intensity stretching sessions lasting up to fifteen minutes.

Kyphosis Treatment should also include breathing exercises to reshape the rib cage, diaphragm and intercostal muscles.  The balance of the body is also important. Posterior sagital balance aggravates kyphosis and can interfere with the successful kyphosis treatment.

Kyphosis can also be aggravated by an increase of the lower curvature of the spine known as Hyper Lordosis. Lordosis is a normal curve of the spine but can be increased due to genetic changes in bone shape, poor core integrity and poor posture.