What is SpineCor Treatment?
SpineCor Treatment is for Children and Adults with Scoliosis or Hyperkyphosis.
SpineCor Treatment uses a spinal brace called a ‘SpineCor Brace’ and exercises when required. Exercises can also be used independently of the SpineCor Brace with those patients who have very small curves.
Patients receiving SpineCor Treatment will have their curves classified according to a sophisticated computer system called SAS-WEB and reviewed at regular intervals for brace adjustments or exercise progression according to a specific treatment protocol.
Who is SpineCor Treatment For?

...for children
and adults, both
young and old

Different curve
...for Scoliosis or

sized curves...
...for people with
small, medium and
large curves

curve patterns...
...for people with
single, double or
triple curve patterns

What is a SpineCor Brace?
SpineCor Braces are customised to the needs of each patient. The lower part of the brace acts as an anchor for the upper corrective part of the brace, whose bands wrap around the body to control the position of the spine. The corrective bands push, pull or twist the trunk in order to off-load or improve the position of the spine.
The family of SpineCor Braces pictured below all share the same basic design characteristics of an upper corrective part and a lower pelvic anchor part. Each SpineCor Brace offers different design features. Your local SpineCor Brace Provider will be able to advise you on the most appropriate version for you.

SpineCor treatment for Children
SpineCor Treatment will slow down or stop the progression of a child’s scoliosis during the remainder of growth. It may even reduce the size of the curve.
SpineCor Treatment is appropriate for children from 5 years old with Idiopathic Scoliosis from 20 – 40 degrees.
It can also be used for Idiopathic curves from 15 – 20 degrees and 40 – 50 degrees and above, and non-Idiopathic curves in some situations. Exercises alone can be administered for very small curves.
SpineCor Treatment can be used for children with Hyperkyphosis above 60 degrees.
Please contact your local SpineCor Brace Provider to see if SpineCor Treatment is suitable for your child.

SpineCor treatment for Adults
SpineCor Treatment may reduce pain associated with adult scoliosis and Hyperkyphosis.
SpineCor Treatment is appropriate for adults of all ages with Idiopathic or Degenerative Scoliosis greater than 20 degrees. Exercises alone can be administered for very small
curves.SpineCor Treatment can be used for adults with Hyperkyphosis above 60 degrees.
Please contact your local SpineCor Brace Provider to see if SpineCor Treatment is suitable for you.
Worldwide SpineCor Brace Providers.
SpineCor treatment centres are available around the globe. Find your nearest provider for more information on how SpineCor treatment can help you.