The Scoliosis Care Foundation is a Nationally recognized 501C3 non-profit organization: We need your Help!
Currently, Scoliosis is managed by Orthopedic surgeons who are not trained well in non-surgical therapy for scoliosis. Your donations help us increase awareness that non-surgical scoliosis treatment is effective.
Purpose: 1. Engage in scientific research into the cause, detection and non-surgical correction of scoliosis.
Conduct educational activities to train healthcare professionals on methods of early detection and correction;
The Scoliosis Care Foundation in interested in increased public awareness about early detection and treatment options. Most Scoliosis does not require surgery. Does that mean patients with scoliosis should do nothing to improve their condition? Absolutely not!. Scoliosis can be improved at any age by improving posture. movement, and flexibility.
If you would like to donate to the Scoliosis Care Foundation, your money will go to towards treatment and research. Thank you.
Mission Statement: The Scoliosis Care Foundation was formed to provide a voice for non-surgical scoliosis care. If you or someone you love is dealing with scoliosis you know treatment options are limited. The Foundation is committed to increasing awareness and education regarding non-surgical scoliosis care.
The Scoliosis Care Foundation was started by Dr. Gary Deutchman in the early 1990s. Today, Dr. Deutchman is involved with multiple non-profit organization all focusing on helping children. Mission Life International and Mission Life Por la Vie are two organizations helping orphans in Haiti. Dr. Deutchman provides Pro bono Scoliosis care in both Haiti and the Dominican Republic in affiliation with these organizations.