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    Our Guide to Hyperkyphosis – 3 Ways It Affects You & How It Is Treated

    January 15, 2020

January 15, 2020

Our Guide to Hyperkyphosis – 3 Ways It Affects You & How It Is Treated

If you, or anyone else you see, are dealing with a hunched, slouched, or stooped back, you are most likely experiencing hyperkyphosis. Hyperkyphosis, also known as kyphosis, is the curving of the spine, causing you to look like that. While it is typically common in older folks, know that young people can also be affected by this condition. 

That said, you may be wondering if hyperkyphosis can cause actual harm to the body other than just being something that’s aesthetically unpleasing. Unfortunately, hyperkyphosis can actually harm many aspects of your body. 

In this article, we’ll talk about three ways hyperkyphosis affects you and how it is treated.

Effects of Hyperkyphosis

While there are many effects of hyperkyphosis, here are three basic ones you can experience: 

1. Your breathing becomes weakened

Over time, hyperkyphosis will get worse if left untreated. There will also be an increase in difficulty in breathing, which is it warps and changes some parts of your skeleton. One of these parts that can easily be affected is the rib. When the rib warps, it leaves less space for the lungs to expand, meaning that you will have a harder time trying to get enough oxygen throughout the body. 

2. Your internal organs become inefficient

Another aspect of your body hyperkyphosis can have a detrimental effect on is your digestive system. If you’re dealing with hyperkyphosis, these organs can be squashed together, hampering the food’s ability to move through your system. In other words, hyperkyphosis can cause you to digest inefficiently. It can even cause you to experience acid reflux, also known as heartburn. It is when your stomach acid travels back up your food pipe, causing that burning sensation. 

3. Your bodily functions become impaired

Hyperkyphosis can also cause the nerves of your spine to compress, which can lead to several problems in your body. For example, you can start experiencing persistent aches, weakness in certain parts of the body, and even loss of bladder control. Fortunately, these symptoms will only occur in severe cases of hyperkyphosis. Although you are experiencing it moderately, it is best that you do not leave it untreated to stop it from becoming worse. 

Treating Hyperkyphosis

1. Pain medication

In treating hyperkyphosis, pain management is a central part of it. Because of this, you will have to take painkillers to relieve your body of any aches and pains that are caused by the curved spine. In cases when standard painkillers aren’t enough, you might be prescribed with other stronger alternatives. 

2. Bracing

Bracing is usually done while your body is growing. If you’re under 16 years old and are experiencing hyperkyphosis, bracing helps by ensuring that the curve doesn’t worsen. In most cases, the brace will be worn until the spine stops growing.

3. Surgery

If your spine’s curvature hampers your daily activities, you might have to opt for surgery (spinal fusion). As the name suggests, spinal fusion involves fusing the vertebrae to counteract the curve of the spine. Know that the whole operation can take up to eight hours, and a back brace will have to be worn post-surgery to allow the spine to heal. 

If you’re experiencing this unfortunate disease, it is highly recommended that you act immediately. Keep in mind that any delay will only leave you worse, and, in some cases, might even cause you to opt for more expensive treatments because of the worsened condition of your body and spine. 

If you’re looking for a scoliosis chiropractor in NYC, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.


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