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March 25, 2020

A Quick Guide to Scoliosis and How to Deal With It


Scoliosis is characterized as the sideways curvature of a spine that usually occurs during a child’s growth spurt during puberty. Scoliosis can be caused by chronic conditions, such as muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, but the common cause of scoliosis remains unknown. 

To date, around 3 percent of adolescents are reported to have scoliosis. Most of these cases are mild, but these spine deformities progress to severe conditions as children grow. To help you better deal with scoliosis, here is a quick guide to dealing with scoliosis, as well as a list of things to avoid.

Tips for Dealing with Scoliosis

1 – Early intervention is key

Doctors usually tell people to wait six months to a year if someone is diagnosed with a mild curve, but the best of results can be achieved earlier. Make sure that you get enough nutritional support and good muscle training before the spinal curve reaches 30 degrees.

2 – Use a quality mattress

A mattress specifically made for scoliosis problems doesn’t exist, so finding the best mattress can be a challenge. Doctors usually recommend getting a firm or medium-firm mattress but choose one that fits your body well. Don’t get cushiony mattress pads because those provide little to no support—for maximum comfort, opt for extra pillows instead.

3 – Stretch frequently

The best way to mitigate scoliosis pain and discomfort is by getting frequent stretches. There are also studies that link scoliosis and indigestion, which is why stretching is a good activity to follow. Some of the best stretches include the following activities: 

  • Hanging from a bar as long as possible
  • Bend in the curve’s direction
  • Spinal molding: lie on rolled towels, one under your neck and the other under the lower back
4 – Play soccer

If you have mild scoliosis, soccer is a good exercise that doesn’t progress your scoliosis. It’s an aerobic sport that strengthens the core muscles, which is good muscle support for your curve. All positions in the team are good for you except for the goalkeeper. If you’re suffering from moderate to severe scoliosis, however, it’s best to consult your doctor first.

5 – Try clinical and genetic testing

If you’re suffering from scoliosis, it’s likely that you’re also suffering from hormonal, nutritional, and neurotransmitter imbalances. Recent studies suggest that correcting such imbalances helps impede the progression of scoliosis. Moreover, the results of scoliosis-specific training will be enhanced. A balanced neurotransmitter actually helps induce proper alignment and good spine reflex control. 

Things that May Trigger Scoliosis Problems

1 – Swimming competitively

Contrary to popular belief, scoliosis and competitive swimming do not go well together. Swimming for hours daily actually causes the thoracic spine to flatten, which then causes the spinal curve to progress even further. 

Research data also suggests that the same holds true for competitive ballet dancing and gymnastics. If you have scoliosis, it is best to avoid these environmental drivers of progression to ensure that your spine stays as close to normal as possible.

2 – Sleeping on your stomach

Sleeping can be a pain for people who have scoliosis. Doctors specifically warn against sleeping on your stomach, as this specific position causes the thoracic spine to be flatter. Remember: scoliosis is three-dimensional. If one dimension of your spine worsens, the rest follows.

3 – Running long distances on hard surfaces 

If you have scoliosis, long-distance running on roads and sidewalks actually leads to several problems. Each time you take a step, jump, or run, spinal compression occurs. Running over uneven terrain causes you to rotate or bend your back. If these activities are prolonged, you cause your scoliosis to progress further. If it cannot be helped, limit your running to 400 meters, which is usually one lap around the track.

4 – Carrying heavy things

Another activity that worsens scoliosis is carrying heavy things. It adds to the natural pull of gravity, which then compresses your spine even further. An overloaded backpack, for instance, is terrible for your back. Carrying bags over just one shoulder is also unhealthy. With these in mind, people dealing with scoliosis should also avoid any sports activity that involves weightlifting. 

The Takeaway 

There is no cure for scoliosis yet, and the best way to deal with it is through early diagnosis and treatment, as with lifestyle changes. Arming yourself with the dont’s of scoliosis is also key, as this helps you know which activities should be avoided. It’s also important to regularly visit your doctor to help keep an eye on the progression of your spinal curve.

If you’re suffering from scoliosis pain and discomfort, we have the solution for you. Due to its treatment limitations, many turn to the power of chiropractors for relief. We have dedicated ourselves to improving the health and quality of life in the Scoliosis community, and that certainly includes you. If you’re looking for non-surgical scoliosis care, get in touch with us to book an appointment today!

March 17, 2020

Why Physiotherapy Is Beneficial for Scoliosis Patients – What to Know

Scoliosis is a known condition of the spine that causes the bone to bend in a “C” or “S” shape. Known symptoms often include uneven shoulders, causing a single shoulder blade to stick out, and a hip that is raised at a higher level compared to its counterpart, or an unevenly aligned waist.

Generally, most causes of scoliosis have not been studied yet and are still to be discovered. In some cases, however, the deformation in the spine is caused by cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. For those who are suffering from severe conditions, there’s a high chance that their body will start to be enfeebled.

Today, scoliosis still cannot be treated by consuming any form of medicine. With physical therapy, however, it helps to ease the discomfort that the patient experiences and stop the worsening of the spinal deformation.

Scoliosis will differ for each patient, which is why a trained physiotherapist is needed to devise an effective treatment plan. This way, individual concerns from each person will also be addressed.

Schroth Method

Right now, physiotherapy is deemed as the most effective treatment to ease up any muscular tension and pain caused by the uneven spinal curve. A particular method, the Schroth Method, is now a widely-used method of physical treatment to address scoliosis.

Katharina Schroth was a German schoolteacher who suffered from the condition since her younger years. Realizing that the steel brace treatment wasn’t as effective, she wanted to develop a physical conditioning approach to her condition. In time, she was able to develop a more effective physical treatment, and later on, prompted her to open an institute for trials.

This method involves a series of exercises to target the misaligned spine and cause it to rotate back to a more natural form. Such exercises also restore symmetry on the muscles, stretch and stabilize the spine, build posture awareness and a stronger posture, and teach proper breathing techniques.

As of today, the treatment now implements the use of additional tools, such as therapy balls and poles, that significantly help in restoring the spine’s natural shape. The Schroth Method also encourages patients to have a more mindful approach to recovery and daily activities.

Physiotherapy outcomes

Mostly, the patients who participate in physiotherapy treatment and exercises for scoliosis soon see an improvement in terms of posture, core endurance, and stability. Sessions are fairly short, lasting only for at least 45 minutes to an hour.

Participating patients report numerous benefits, including reduced to fully-relieved pain, improvements in locomotion, and enhanced breathing, among others.

Some treatments may also include the usage of a brace along with breathing exercises, which can be safely repeated without the supervision of a professional as part of a continuous treatment routine.


It should be noted that scoliosis is not a disease, but sometimes, it can be caused by a disease. This, however, is rare and is mostly developed from an unknown cause during adolescence. It is also likely to be caused by spinal degeneration during adulthood.

While a sure-fire way to treat scoliosis has yet to be discovered, physiotherapy has had huge leaps over the decades when it comes to making patients feel better, and it is currently the best-known approach to treat this condition.

We offer an advanced non-medical correction program for scoliosis. Located in NYC, we have been on this mission to provide correction programs for New Yorkers for 35 years. Get in touch with us today to start experiencing a quality of life with ease once again.

March 11, 2020

3 Common Types of Alternative Scoliosis Treatment Methods – What to Know

Scoliosis, as opposed to other known physical conditions in existence, is one of the most common cases in the world that continues to affect millions of lives today.

Technically defined as an improper curvature of the spine, scoliosis has been known to cause a great deal of pain that can limit physical activity or one’s capabilities to a certain extent. With a varying degree of severity and conditions, scoliosis is a condition that entails undergoing proper treatment because every form of the condition can get worse over time.

Fortunately, regardless of whether you have idiopathic, functional, or neuromuscular scoliosis, it can be cured or eased up with the help of various types of physical therapy treatments. As opposed to other types of physical conditions, however, scoliosis requires a sustained form of treatment and cannot be remedied with short-term cures.

The common types of scoliosis treatments

Throughout your experience with scoliosis, there are three potential treatment alternatives that you can seek to remedy the unusual or abnormal curve of your spine:

1. Bracing

Most common in children, bracing is typically the first form of treatment that is used to counteract an early-onset case of scoliosis. Through the standard structure of a bracing treatment plan, a case of scoliosis is fixed by using a “natural” force that helps apply a gradual force or restraint that fixes the unusual curvature of the spine.

Although bracing can cause some discomfort and is easily disliked by most kids, it’s often regarded as one of the most effective forms of treatment available in the market today. When placed or used early, bracing can help correct the spine curve during the growth process to promote natural growth while ensuring that the body reacts the way it should in remedying a case of scoliosis.

The effectivity that bracing has for remedying a case of scoliosis greatly depends on how often the brace is put on, making it vital to wear the brace nearly every hour of every day.

2. Surgery

In the rare case that a standard bracing treatment method doesn’t work, surgery is an alternative form of treatment that can be used to correct the problem.

Generally speaking, the only time surgery is considered in remedying a case of scoliosis is when bracing itself is no longer effective at preventing the condition of the spine from worsening. For most surgical procedures geared towards remedying a case of scoliosis, spinal union procedures are a vital component alongside the insertion of metal rods and screws to straighten the spine itself.

Aside from the fact that surgery is an invasive form of scoliosis treatment, however, most professionals advise against doing so because most procedures yield long-term negative effects.

3. The Schroth Method

When most people afflicted by scoliosis find themselves in a situation wherein bracing no longer works, and surgery is not desirable, patients tend to seek an alternative form of treatment that yields results, and the Schroth Method are often viewed as the answer to this need.

By offering an alternative wherein the treatment itself can be customized to any spine’s specific curvature, the Schroth Method uses a more hands-on approach in reducing pain, halting curve progression, and increasing strength. The building blocks of any Schroth treatment lies in strengthening, stretching, and breathing techniques that are used to oppose or counteract the rotation of spinal curves.

Instead of using an invasive form of treatment, the Schroth method provides a more effective alternative that does no bear long-term implications that can hamper the quality of your life.


Curing a case of scoliosis is an endeavor that has three alternative courses of action that can be used to remedy the effects brought about by the condition itself. Although each treatment method has its own level of effectiveness, there are some alternatives that work far better than others, and in the case of scoliosis, the Schroth Method is deemed as best.

Are you looking to remedy your scoliosis and prevent it from interfering with your comfort in everyday life? Get in touch with our scoliosis chiropractor in NYC to see how we can help.

March 4, 2020

A Brief History of the Schroth Method – Our Guide

At first, the idea of the Schroth Method may not ring as many bells as other traditional forms of scoliosis treatment that have been around for far longer. Nevertheless, it has been gaining even more prominence thanks to its higher success rates. As opposed to other forms of scoliosis treatments, the Schroth Method helps enable a long-term recovery without the need for invasive procedures and dependence on heavy medications. 

Now, as easy as it may be to see that the Schroth Method is an effective form of alternative treatment, there’s one part about it that most have yet to know: its history.

To better understand how significant the Schroth method is and how far it has come from its humble beginnings, let’s go over a brief overview of its history to this day: 

The humble beginnings of the Schroth Method

The earliest record of the Schroth Method being conceived can be traced all the way to 1921 in Dresden, Germany. It was a time when Katharina Schroth experimented with various exercises that would go on to be the method’s core procedures. 

In pursuit of a more functional, practical, and non-invasive form of treatment for her own case of scoliosis, Schroth decided to take some much-needed inspiration from the fluidity, adaptability, and form of a balloon. Based on her key observations taken, Schroth attempted to correct the structural abnormalities in her spine and trunk by literally breathing them away, effectively inflating the concavities in her body.

As soon as Schroth realized that her experimentations with breathing exercises began to pay off, she moved on to copying the intricacies of her deformities by applying pattern-specific corrective movements. Throughout the course of her experimentation with breathing exercises, over-corrective movements, and patterned routines, Schroth also learned that postural perception can aid in recovery.

The first iteration of the finished Schroth Method and its professional application

Once she had the framework of her treatment method laid out, Schroth had set up an institute in Meissen from the late ’30s to the early ’40s to treat those with varying degrees of scoliosis. Although the Schroth Method was initially unheard of, many patients came to seek a cheaper remedy and found success in the three key dimensions of the treatment: 

  1. Specific postural correction
  2. Correction of postural perception
  3. Correction of breathing patterns for improved posture

Right after the Second World War, Schroth, and her daughter Christa, moved to West Germany and set up their institute in Sobernheim. This institute then went on to treat more than 150 in-patients every six weeks. 

Continuation by a second-generation Schroth: the late 80’s up to this day

After Katharina Schroth passed away in 1985, Christa went on to refine and improve the framework and treatment to create an iteration that would go on to be used until now. Today, the Schroth Method is carried out almost everywhere in the world from the headquarters at the Katharina Schroth Klinik to places such as Scolio Fit NYC in New York City.

If you’ve been looking for a scoliosis chiropractor in NYC, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

February 26, 2020

Our Guide to Scoliosis: The Fault in Your Spine

A young man once said, “You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world. But you do have some say in who hurts you.” Well, he’s moved on to a better place now, but that’s not the point. The point is, he got everything right in that statement save for one tiny detail. Sometimes, it’s not a ‘who’ that has the power to hurt you. Sometimes, it’s scoliosis.


Affecting approximately three million adolescents in the United States alone, scoliosis, or the sideways curvature of the spine, is known to be one of the most common spinal cord conditions in the world. It usually affects children during their growth spurt just before they reach puberty; but don’t you worry. Most cases of scoliosis aren’t as life-threatening as the disease the young man above had. However, some adolescents may struggle with further deformities as they grow older and continue into adulthood. Its symptoms include unevenness in the hips, waists, and shoulders.


Understanding the Schroth Method


To quote the young man (bless his soul) above again, “The thing about pain is that it demands to be felt.” Well, excuse the lad for being young and naïve, but you really don’t necessarily have to go through all that pain, especially when you have scoliosis. There are different kinds of surgeries available, and non-invasive programs tailored to meet the specific needs of the patients to correct their spine.


One of these treatments is called the Schroth Method, and it aims to help the patients achieve the following:

  • Muscle development to centralize the spine
  • Improvement of the cardiopulmonary system functions
  • Improvement of the alignment of posture
  • Stabilization of the spine curvature
  • Muscle strength and endurance increase
  • Sustaining a healthier lifestyle
  • Neuromuscular control enhancement
  • Pain reduction

The main idea behind the Schroth Method is using corrective breathing techniques to straighten the spine. Depending on the acuteness of each patient’s case, the physical therapists will tailor their activities to match their needs. Often, their patients are asked to do low-impact exercises while in a sitting, standing, or lying down position with their therapists’ assistance. They may also use props like poles, ladders, therapy balls, and exercise bands on top of the corrective breathing exercises. 

The Schroth Method Essential Components


Rotational Angular Breathing

Rotational angular technique exercises will help rotate the spine and reshape its surrounding and nearby tissues to promote better breathing for the patients. Its primary focus is around the rib cage area.

Muscular Symmetry

This technique focuses on the back area and aims to create a balance and improve the back’s muscular symmetry. These exercises will help the patient suffering from a painful imbalance due to their uneven muscle strength to lessen the pain and develop both sides of their back muscles equally.


Okay? Okay.


Despairingly, the world is not a wish-granting factory. Even if you wish and hope against hope that your condition will just disappear when you wake up one day, that’s not going to happen. But you don’t have to suffer for an infinity. You just have to remember that on top of the specific program designed to help you, the cooperation and total dedication from you as a patient is required to make it all work out.


If you’re looking to learn more about scoliosis systems in New York, get in touch with us to find out what type of treatment is the right one for you.