February 26, 2020
Our Guide to Scoliosis: The Fault in Your Spine
A young man once said, “You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world. But you do have some say in who hurts you.” Well, he’s moved on to a better place now, but that’s not the point. The point is, he got everything right in that statement save for one tiny detail. Sometimes, it’s not a ‘who’ that has the power to hurt you. Sometimes, it’s scoliosis.
Affecting approximately three million adolescents in the United States alone, scoliosis, or the sideways curvature of the spine, is known to be one of the most common spinal cord conditions in the world. It usually affects children during their growth spurt just before they reach puberty; but don’t you worry. Most cases of scoliosis aren’t as life-threatening as the disease the young man above had. However, some adolescents may struggle with further deformities as they grow older and continue into adulthood. Its symptoms include unevenness in the hips, waists, and shoulders.
Understanding the Schroth Method
To quote the young man (bless his soul) above again, “The thing about pain is that it demands to be felt.” Well, excuse the lad for being young and naïve, but you really don’t necessarily have to go through all that pain, especially when you have scoliosis. There are different kinds of surgeries available, and non-invasive programs tailored to meet the specific needs of the patients to correct their spine.
One of these treatments is called the Schroth Method, and it aims to help the patients achieve the following:
- Muscle development to centralize the spine
- Improvement of the cardiopulmonary system functions
- Improvement of the alignment of posture
- Stabilization of the spine curvature
- Muscle strength and endurance increase
- Sustaining a healthier lifestyle
- Neuromuscular control enhancement
- Pain reduction
The main idea behind the Schroth Method is using corrective breathing techniques to straighten the spine. Depending on the acuteness of each patient’s case, the physical therapists will tailor their activities to match their needs. Often, their patients are asked to do low-impact exercises while in a sitting, standing, or lying down position with their therapists’ assistance. They may also use props like poles, ladders, therapy balls, and exercise bands on top of the corrective breathing exercises.
The Schroth Method Essential Components
Rotational Angular Breathing
Rotational angular technique exercises will help rotate the spine and reshape its surrounding and nearby tissues to promote better breathing for the patients. Its primary focus is around the rib cage area.
Muscular Symmetry
This technique focuses on the back area and aims to create a balance and improve the back’s muscular symmetry. These exercises will help the patient suffering from a painful imbalance due to their uneven muscle strength to lessen the pain and develop both sides of their back muscles equally.
Okay? Okay.
Despairingly, the world is not a wish-granting factory. Even if you wish and hope against hope that your condition will just disappear when you wake up one day, that’s not going to happen. But you don’t have to suffer for an infinity. You just have to remember that on top of the specific program designed to help you, the cooperation and total dedication from you as a patient is required to make it all work out.
If you’re looking to learn more about scoliosis systems in New York, get in touch with us to find out what type of treatment is the right one for you.
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