March 19, 2020 • Sticky Post
Virtual Scoliosis Exercise and Nutritional Consultation Now Available Online
Now Offering Free Virtual Schroth Exercise Classes
Join the Adult Scoliosis Learners Group on Facebook to stay current on all our offerings.
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Times Subject to change.
Some other recent topics and questions:
Blood Chemistry and Nutritional Virtual Consultation $99
- Video Consultation– Review your health history during a video consultation with your new doctor
- Lab Testing– Receive a custom lab kit mailed to your home or a Blood Requisition form which can be brought to any local laboratory. The test results are sent directly to your doctor.
- Analysis– Schedule a Review of your test results with your doctor.
- Treatment Plan– Your doctor develops a personalized plan addressing your unique diagnosis. This may includes planning for follow up testing.
Do you Take insurance?
Yes, we accept all major medical insurance. We care not contracted with any insurance providers at this time. Preventative healthcare expenditures and specialty lab tests are not typically reimbursable under most health plans. However, you may be able to use a HSA.FSA account to pay for our services.
How much are the lab tests and X-rays?
Most labs accept insurance as direct payment. X-ray requests may require a referral from your doctor depending upon your individual medical plan.
How long are consultations?
The initial consultation is 60 minutes ($199). However, follow-up appointment could be as low as 30 minutes, depending upon the number of tests to be reviewed and the time required to adequately instruct patients on their care plan.
What comes in the home Schroth Exercise Kit ($199)
The Schroth method is low tech, but does require a few items. Your home Schroth Exercise kit includes:
- 3 Scolifit Bags with Instructions for use.
- Breathing Band or Breathing Caliper with Instructions for use
- ScoliFit Personalized Exercise App for you Smartphone
- Suspension straps (High Quality)
July 13, 2017 • Sticky Post
What is a Scoliosis Epigenetic Diet?
What is a Scoliosis Epigenetic Diet?
Scoliosis is considered an orthopedic disease, however researchers have shown successful scoliosis treatment is dependent upon epigenetic factors and not the predetermined genetics. Scoliosis progression has been linked to low bone density for age, Osteopenia and Osteoporosis, and therefore should be a clinical target but rarely is. Other dietary deficiencies have been identified to be epigenetic triggers of disease, like low vitamin D, or low Vit B2. Diet and supplementation can effectively reduce your risk of scoliosis progression regardless of you age or if you are currently receiving orthopedic treatment. An Epigenetic Diet plan can reduce an adolescents risk of progression during puberty, and can improve conditions such as ammenorhea and Osteopenia.
October 5, 2020
Adult Scoliosis is a Problem – Three Reasons Why
Is Adult Scoliosis a Problem? I’ll give you 3 good reasons why it is.
I was taught that Scoliosis is only a problem for adolescents. But I know and you know that adolescents grow up to become adults, and there are tons of people with adult scoliosis. But why is surgery often considered the default treatment option when other nonsurgical adult scoliosis treatment alternatives are available?
Reason 1: 4 Times More Adults Have Scoliosis Than Adolescents
Adolescents with Scoliosis account for only about 3% of the population, but when we look at the demographics of adult scoliosis, we find that it affects somewhere between 7%-9% of the population.
Hmm? The numbers don’t add up.
It seems that some adults, in fact, the majority of those adults who have scoliosis, developed in adulthood. Demographic studies confirm you are 3 times more likely to develop scoliosis in adulthood than in adolescence!
In fact, some published studies report 1/3 of people over the age of 65 will develop scoliosis secondary to things like osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, and arthritis.
When you add on the adolescent group that grew up to be adults, scoliosis in adulthood is 4 times more prevalent than scoliosis in adolescence.
Reason 2: Scoliosis Patients Suffer More Than People with Other Health Conditions
The mere fact that more adults have scoliosis than adolescents may be eye-opening to you, but it doesn’t matter much if people are living well with it.
In order for a condition to warrant attention, it has to exact a toll. One way to measure the effects of a disease or health condition is to conduct objective measures of a person’s quality of life.
Standardized questionnaires are widely used in medicine and routinely are reported in the literature. Several of these studies were done with adults diagnosed with scoliosis.
The studies show adults with scoliosis report some of the lowest Quality of Life Scores when compared to patients with other known health conditions. They even score lower than patients suffering from Clinical Depression.
Nearly 9 million people in the United States are currently suffering from the effects of adult scoliosis, many of them without a clear understanding that their suffering is related to scoliosis.
Reason 3: Scoliosis Surgery Rates are on the Rise
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, nor do I think medical professionals are somehow plotting to ruin the lives of millions of Americans, But I do believe that money blinds. And I believe adult scoliosis surgery is necessary for hospitals to be profitable. There’s also the old adage: “To a Hammer, everything looks like a nail.” It’s natural for a surgeon, a hospital, and an industry to look at adult scoliosis as a surgical problem when everything they see is viewed through a surgical lens.
With the amount of new braces on the market, and the attention being given to scoliosis by the chiropractic profession, pilates/Yoga instructors, Schroth Therapists, and the like, one would think surgical rates for adult scoliosis would be declining. But unfortunately, adult scoliosis surgery is at its highest rate in over a decade, and it’s increasing every year.

Rapidly Increasing Incidence in Scoliosis Surgery over 14 years in a Nationwide Sample by
Johan von Heideken, Maura D. Iversen, Paul Gerdhem
In fact, a study published in the European Spine Journal in October of 2017 reported 14 consecutive years of increases in the incidence of adult scoliosis surgery.
I’m not surprised that surgeons recommend surgery, but I am concerned over the ever-increasing rates of adult scoliosis surgery in spite of the increasing effectiveness of nonsurgical approaches.
Here’s the problem; surgeons should not make non-surgical recommendations. I was taught that if a patient requires a consultation with a surgeon, to refer them to the surgeon. I wouldn’t recommend which type of surgery a patient should get, or even if surgery is a good idea for them, I let the surgeon do the consult and let the patients decide what’s best for them.
But unfortunately, many surgeons don’t have the same hesitation to comment on non-surgical recommendations. This is often in spite of the fact that they typically have absolutely no experience or training in the field.
When a surgeon suggests there is “no evidence”, or something non-surgical doesn’t work, they are in fact speaking from experience. But the problem is that this is misleading since they have No Experience.
Even the recommendation of surgery after a curvature is measured to be 45 degrees should be questioned. I looked into the basis for this recommendation since I need to know if I’m putting my patients at risk by helping them avoid surgery.
After some digging, I found the policy recommendation for surgery for adult scoliosis curvatures of 45 degrees or more was based on a study that followed 50 cases of untreated adolescents with adult scoliosis. Those with curvatures of 50 degrees or more tended to experience progression even after the pubertal growth spurt was completed.
On the surface it seems reasonable, but what if those patients had undergone successful non-surgical care, stabilizing their condition? We know that happens in some cases, no one will dispute that. So if we followed the policy recommendation to require surgery after 45 Degrees, many unnecessary surgeries would take place, and in fact, that is exactly what is happening.
When surgery is recommended for adult scoliosis based on a two-line measurement on an x-ray, NO consideration is given as to the nature of the curvature:
- if it’s flexible,
- if it’s secondary to a short leg,
- if it’s complicated by bone loss,
- whether neurological influence plays a part,
- etc, etc, etc…
This is dangerous because too many people get lumped into the surgical recommendation with this approach. Many, many people have successfully lived with 45-degree curvatures, who have not experienced lifelong progression. Therefore the current criteria for surgical recommendation are overreaching and insufficient.
When I teach courses to other doctors, I put up an x-ray showing a scoliosis of 95 degrees, I ask the learners, “who would recommend surgery for this case?” Most of the doctors strongly voice their opinions on how surgery is the only option, and in fact, the only ethical thing to do; until I reveal the x-ray is of a cadaver. The point is, surgery is not automatically necessary just because you measured a curvature on an x-ray. Even in the living, surgery is a choice and quite often the wrong choice.
In a study published in May 2011, researchers reported a 34.4% major complication rate following adult revision scoliosis surgery (cho 2011). This was a retrospective cohort comparative study, which means the researchers reviewed actual adult scoliosis surgery outcomes at two major University hospitals; Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Washington University Center for Orthopedic Surgery.
Revision surgery is done usually following a failed back surgery or as a result of the effects of aging on a spinal deformity.
Of the 166 patients reviewed, 107 were diagnosed with “de novo Scoliosis”, meaning they developed scoliosis in adulthood, matching the statistics I quoted initially.
At Scoliosis Systems LLP we pride ourselves on offering EVIDENCED BASED care for adults with scoliosis. We are certain the majority of the 9 million adults with scoliosis can and ARE living their best life without surgery. Even those who have had surgery are in need of ongoing scoliosis-specific healthcare.
I consider myself a guide for those who are seeking truth in the Scoliosis healthcare space. If you are on a journey and our paths cross, you can count on me to shine light whenever I can.
If you have questions about your specific situation, please take advantage of our Free Phone Consultation offer. You can book your free phone consultation on our home page.
March 25, 2020
A Quick Guide to Scoliosis and How to Deal With It
Scoliosis is characterized as the sideways curvature of a spine that usually occurs during a child’s growth spurt during puberty. Scoliosis can be caused by chronic conditions, such as muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, but the common cause of scoliosis remains unknown.
To date, around 3 percent of adolescents are reported to have scoliosis. Most of these cases are mild, but these spine deformities progress to severe conditions as children grow. To help you better deal with scoliosis, here is a quick guide to dealing with scoliosis, as well as a list of things to avoid.
Tips for Dealing with Scoliosis
1 – Early intervention is key
Doctors usually tell people to wait six months to a year if someone is diagnosed with a mild curve, but the best of results can be achieved earlier. Make sure that you get enough nutritional support and good muscle training before the spinal curve reaches 30 degrees.
2 – Use a quality mattress
A mattress specifically made for scoliosis problems doesn’t exist, so finding the best mattress can be a challenge. Doctors usually recommend getting a firm or medium-firm mattress but choose one that fits your body well. Don’t get cushiony mattress pads because those provide little to no support—for maximum comfort, opt for extra pillows instead.
3 – Stretch frequently
The best way to mitigate scoliosis pain and discomfort is by getting frequent stretches. There are also studies that link scoliosis and indigestion, which is why stretching is a good activity to follow. Some of the best stretches include the following activities:
- Hanging from a bar as long as possible
- Bend in the curve’s direction
- Spinal molding: lie on rolled towels, one under your neck and the other under the lower back
4 – Play soccer
If you have mild scoliosis, soccer is a good exercise that doesn’t progress your scoliosis. It’s an aerobic sport that strengthens the core muscles, which is good muscle support for your curve. All positions in the team are good for you except for the goalkeeper. If you’re suffering from moderate to severe scoliosis, however, it’s best to consult your doctor first.
5 – Try clinical and genetic testing
If you’re suffering from scoliosis, it’s likely that you’re also suffering from hormonal, nutritional, and neurotransmitter imbalances. Recent studies suggest that correcting such imbalances helps impede the progression of scoliosis. Moreover, the results of scoliosis-specific training will be enhanced. A balanced neurotransmitter actually helps induce proper alignment and good spine reflex control.
Things that May Trigger Scoliosis Problems
1 – Swimming competitively
Contrary to popular belief, scoliosis and competitive swimming do not go well together. Swimming for hours daily actually causes the thoracic spine to flatten, which then causes the spinal curve to progress even further.
Research data also suggests that the same holds true for competitive ballet dancing and gymnastics. If you have scoliosis, it is best to avoid these environmental drivers of progression to ensure that your spine stays as close to normal as possible.
2 – Sleeping on your stomach
Sleeping can be a pain for people who have scoliosis. Doctors specifically warn against sleeping on your stomach, as this specific position causes the thoracic spine to be flatter. Remember: scoliosis is three-dimensional. If one dimension of your spine worsens, the rest follows.
3 – Running long distances on hard surfaces
If you have scoliosis, long-distance running on roads and sidewalks actually leads to several problems. Each time you take a step, jump, or run, spinal compression occurs. Running over uneven terrain causes you to rotate or bend your back. If these activities are prolonged, you cause your scoliosis to progress further. If it cannot be helped, limit your running to 400 meters, which is usually one lap around the track.
4 – Carrying heavy things
Another activity that worsens scoliosis is carrying heavy things. It adds to the natural pull of gravity, which then compresses your spine even further. An overloaded backpack, for instance, is terrible for your back. Carrying bags over just one shoulder is also unhealthy. With these in mind, people dealing with scoliosis should also avoid any sports activity that involves weightlifting.
The Takeaway
There is no cure for scoliosis yet, and the best way to deal with it is through early diagnosis and treatment, as with lifestyle changes. Arming yourself with the dont’s of scoliosis is also key, as this helps you know which activities should be avoided. It’s also important to regularly visit your doctor to help keep an eye on the progression of your spinal curve.
If you’re suffering from scoliosis pain and discomfort, we have the solution for you. Due to its treatment limitations, many turn to the power of chiropractors for relief. We have dedicated ourselves to improving the health and quality of life in the Scoliosis community, and that certainly includes you. If you’re looking for non-surgical scoliosis care, get in touch with us to book an appointment today!
March 17, 2020
Why Physiotherapy Is Beneficial for Scoliosis Patients – What to Know
Scoliosis is a known condition of the spine that causes the bone to bend in a “C” or “S” shape. Known symptoms often include uneven shoulders, causing a single shoulder blade to stick out, and a hip that is raised at a higher level compared to its counterpart, or an unevenly aligned waist.
Generally, most causes of scoliosis have not been studied yet and are still to be discovered. In some cases, however, the deformation in the spine is caused by cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. For those who are suffering from severe conditions, there’s a high chance that their body will start to be enfeebled.
Today, scoliosis still cannot be treated by consuming any form of medicine. With physical therapy, however, it helps to ease the discomfort that the patient experiences and stop the worsening of the spinal deformation.
Scoliosis will differ for each patient, which is why a trained physiotherapist is needed to devise an effective treatment plan. This way, individual concerns from each person will also be addressed.
Schroth Method
Right now, physiotherapy is deemed as the most effective treatment to ease up any muscular tension and pain caused by the uneven spinal curve. A particular method, the Schroth Method, is now a widely-used method of physical treatment to address scoliosis.
Katharina Schroth was a German schoolteacher who suffered from the condition since her younger years. Realizing that the steel brace treatment wasn’t as effective, she wanted to develop a physical conditioning approach to her condition. In time, she was able to develop a more effective physical treatment, and later on, prompted her to open an institute for trials.
This method involves a series of exercises to target the misaligned spine and cause it to rotate back to a more natural form. Such exercises also restore symmetry on the muscles, stretch and stabilize the spine, build posture awareness and a stronger posture, and teach proper breathing techniques.
As of today, the treatment now implements the use of additional tools, such as therapy balls and poles, that significantly help in restoring the spine’s natural shape. The Schroth Method also encourages patients to have a more mindful approach to recovery and daily activities.
Physiotherapy outcomes
Mostly, the patients who participate in physiotherapy treatment and exercises for scoliosis soon see an improvement in terms of posture, core endurance, and stability. Sessions are fairly short, lasting only for at least 45 minutes to an hour.
Participating patients report numerous benefits, including reduced to fully-relieved pain, improvements in locomotion, and enhanced breathing, among others.
Some treatments may also include the usage of a brace along with breathing exercises, which can be safely repeated without the supervision of a professional as part of a continuous treatment routine.
It should be noted that scoliosis is not a disease, but sometimes, it can be caused by a disease. This, however, is rare and is mostly developed from an unknown cause during adolescence. It is also likely to be caused by spinal degeneration during adulthood.
While a sure-fire way to treat scoliosis has yet to be discovered, physiotherapy has had huge leaps over the decades when it comes to making patients feel better, and it is currently the best-known approach to treat this condition.
We offer an advanced non-medical correction program for scoliosis. Located in NYC, we have been on this mission to provide correction programs for New Yorkers for 35 years. Get in touch with us today to start experiencing a quality of life with ease once again.
March 11, 2020
3 Common Types of Alternative Scoliosis Treatment Methods – What to Know
Scoliosis, as opposed to other known physical conditions in existence, is one of the most common cases in the world that continues to affect millions of lives today.
Technically defined as an improper curvature of the spine, scoliosis has been known to cause a great deal of pain that can limit physical activity or one’s capabilities to a certain extent. With a varying degree of severity and conditions, scoliosis is a condition that entails undergoing proper treatment because every form of the condition can get worse over time.
Fortunately, regardless of whether you have idiopathic, functional, or neuromuscular scoliosis, it can be cured or eased up with the help of various types of physical therapy treatments. As opposed to other types of physical conditions, however, scoliosis requires a sustained form of treatment and cannot be remedied with short-term cures.
The common types of scoliosis treatments
Throughout your experience with scoliosis, there are three potential treatment alternatives that you can seek to remedy the unusual or abnormal curve of your spine:
1. Bracing
Most common in children, bracing is typically the first form of treatment that is used to counteract an early-onset case of scoliosis. Through the standard structure of a bracing treatment plan, a case of scoliosis is fixed by using a “natural” force that helps apply a gradual force or restraint that fixes the unusual curvature of the spine.
Although bracing can cause some discomfort and is easily disliked by most kids, it’s often regarded as one of the most effective forms of treatment available in the market today. When placed or used early, bracing can help correct the spine curve during the growth process to promote natural growth while ensuring that the body reacts the way it should in remedying a case of scoliosis.
The effectivity that bracing has for remedying a case of scoliosis greatly depends on how often the brace is put on, making it vital to wear the brace nearly every hour of every day.
2. Surgery
In the rare case that a standard bracing treatment method doesn’t work, surgery is an alternative form of treatment that can be used to correct the problem.
Generally speaking, the only time surgery is considered in remedying a case of scoliosis is when bracing itself is no longer effective at preventing the condition of the spine from worsening. For most surgical procedures geared towards remedying a case of scoliosis, spinal union procedures are a vital component alongside the insertion of metal rods and screws to straighten the spine itself.
Aside from the fact that surgery is an invasive form of scoliosis treatment, however, most professionals advise against doing so because most procedures yield long-term negative effects.
3. The Schroth Method
When most people afflicted by scoliosis find themselves in a situation wherein bracing no longer works, and surgery is not desirable, patients tend to seek an alternative form of treatment that yields results, and the Schroth Method are often viewed as the answer to this need.
By offering an alternative wherein the treatment itself can be customized to any spine’s specific curvature, the Schroth Method uses a more hands-on approach in reducing pain, halting curve progression, and increasing strength. The building blocks of any Schroth treatment lies in strengthening, stretching, and breathing techniques that are used to oppose or counteract the rotation of spinal curves.
Instead of using an invasive form of treatment, the Schroth method provides a more effective alternative that does no bear long-term implications that can hamper the quality of your life.
Curing a case of scoliosis is an endeavor that has three alternative courses of action that can be used to remedy the effects brought about by the condition itself. Although each treatment method has its own level of effectiveness, there are some alternatives that work far better than others, and in the case of scoliosis, the Schroth Method is deemed as best.
Are you looking to remedy your scoliosis and prevent it from interfering with your comfort in everyday life? Get in touch with our scoliosis chiropractor in NYC to see how we can help.