February 19, 2020
How the Schroth Method Can Help Your Scoliosis Symptoms – Our Guide
When the topic of treating scoliosis comes to mind, many people tend to think of various surgical procedures and forms of medication that each have their own degrees of effectiveness. Depending on the form of treatment that’s administered, anyone who is struggling with scoliosis can gain a certain degree of management over their symptoms and prevent the condition itself from progressing any further.
Although it may be clear that each form of treatment has its own respective level of effectiveness and long-term benefits, there’s one particular approach that has helped thousands of patients make tremendous improvements: the Schroth method.
The Schroth method
To put it simply, the Schroth method is a scoliosis treatment method that uses an exercise-based physiotherapy program that avoids any form of surgical intervention entirely.
Ever since it was devised, refined, and first introduced by Katharina Schroth—a German physiotherapist who suffered from scoliosis herself—the Schroth method has received acclaim all over the world from thousands of patients thanks to its effectiveness. By using the Schroth method, patients can significantly overcome even the most debilitating cases of scoliosis while improving their posture greatly in the long run.
Coming a long way from its experimental roots (as Schroth herself created the method through various tests and experiments on herself) the Schroth method is now a staple treatment in scoliosis clinics all around the world.
How the Schroth method works, and what makes it so effective
Generally speaking, the Schroth method is composed of specialized exercises and stretches that target one of the main problem points in any case of scoliosis: the inner muscles of the rib cage.
Through a professionally constructed program that uses the list of specified stretches and exercises, the Schroth method helps develop the inner muscles of the rib cage to correct any presence of spinal abnormalities in the body’s three planes. Aside from the use of a consistent program comprised of stretches and exercises, however, the Schroth method also concentrates on enforcing a consistent and conscious correction of posture daily to ensure the longevity of the treatment.
In terms of components, the Schroth method is defined as a body of guidelines and systematic programs that are comprised of a large assortment of different approaches, exercises, and stretches, such as:
Prone on stool
As one of the core exercises of the Schroth method, the prone on stool exercises has been shown to help the most in alleviating the effects of scoliosis because of its ability to correct a thoracic curve with its various components, such as:
- Shoulder traction
- De-rotation breathing techniques
- Shoulder counter-traction
Iliopsoas on a ball
In comparison with other core exercises in the Schroth method, the Iliopsoas on a ball exercise is much more patient-specific as it only works for patients that have a lumbar or thoracolumbar curve. By exercising with a ball, wall bars, and a specific set of movements, this particular exercise helps activate the iliopsoas muscle in an effort to de-rotate the affected area.
The semi-hanging exercises are another primary Schroth core exercise that has been shown to achieve significant results through the use of gravity. With the implementation of an assisted hanging mechanism or method, the semi-hanging exercise uses a gravitational pull to relieve pressure on the vertebral joints and stretch the spine out to correct the posture.
Final words
By using the Schroth method, any patient suffering from the difficulties posed by scoliosis can effectively relieve themselves of the condition in the long run without needing surgical intervention. If you’re in the New York City area and are looking for Schroth exercises, get in touch with Scoli-Fit NYC to schedule an appointment today!
February 12, 2020
4 Benefits of Walking for Chiropractic Patients – What to Know
Health professionals have always included walking as a low-impact exercise as part of the doctor’s orders for decades. It can improve the overall quality of life as walking can strengthen the muscles and improves general well-being in spite of the idyllic effort, making it an excellent alternative for busy-goers who can’t spend at least an hour a day at the gym.
Walking is also versatile as individuals can push through a steep hill for a more challenging stroll or move forward over long distances. Not to mention, more than 200 muscles activate in different areas of the body, including the pelvic area and spine.
Its impressive benefit to spinal health makes walking a highly effective complement to chiropractic care. Here are different ways walking can support chiropractic patients:
Benefit #1: Prevents and Eases Back Pain
Walking is an excellent way to relieve back pain, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). Anyone can get into walking as it is a low-impact exercise that can stimulate the back. It also burns 265 calories in 30 minutes, proving that it is slow yet steady progress to a healthier lifestyle.
Benefit #2: Improves Flexibility and Mobility
Adding some light stretching exercises to your walking regimen can reduce the risk of injury during the exercise and improve posture along the way. The ACA suggests that a series of stretches combined with cardio practices like walking can boost an individual’s range of motion and increase flexibility.
Meanwhile, chiropractic care eases the pain in the muscles and re-aligns the body, both of which can make the act of walking an easier ordeal for patients.
Benefit #3: Increases Blood Circulation
Walking can promote a continual flow of blood to the muscles, which increases the circulation throughout the patient’s body. Not only will it lower blood pressure, but better circulation also ensures nutrients are given to the spine to keep it nourished.
By flushing away harmful toxins with healthier blood flow, the body can welcome an increase in stamina, which also makes it easier to exercise. It’s a perfect supplementary routine for an individual’s chiropractic care.
Benefit #4: Promotes Weight Loss and Weight Management
Obesity or extra body weight can put a massive amount of pressure on the lower back, which can cause throw your body out of balance. Shifting an individual’s balance can cause significant stress for the overall spine health. Excess weight also makes it more challenging to maintain proper spinal alignment and posture, which results in a painful core and muscles as it works harder to support a patient’s size.
Walking regularly can help improve a person’s walk frequency and duration, which helps maintain weight management in the long run.
The Bottom Line: Walking and Chiropractic Care are a Match Made in Heaven for Your Health
Walking and chiropractic care are like two peas in a pod – both are designed to mitigate pain, increase range of motion, and enhance the overall health of chiropractic patients. Both practices are married in a way it supports each other’s technique, wherein chiropractic care reduces pain while walking strengthens the muscles in the back to maintain a pain-free body.
If you’re looking for a scoliosis chiropractor in NYC, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.
February 5, 2020
Scoliosis & Chiropractic Treatment Facts to Know Before a Meeting – What to Know
Although scoliosis is not curable, it is still treatable, and its symptoms can be reduced. Similar to diabetes, scoliosis is a medical condition that requires ongoing care because it’s a battle that is faced by patients for the rest of their lives. Nevertheless, finding the best treatment will help them live a more comfortable life.
Chiropractic treatment is one of the many treatments available for adults who are suffering from scoliosis. However, it’s crucial to know that not all chiropractors are equipped to help treat this condition because many of them do not have proper training and adequate equipment to treat it. Most of the time, they address surface issues without identifying the root cause. As a result, the discomfort and pain will keep on coming back.
Understanding scoliosis
Know that scoliosis affects two to three percent of the entire population in the USA. This condition typically refers to having a spinal curve that measures 10 degrees and more on X-ray, which is called the Cobb angle. A Scoliosis spine sometimes looks like the letter “C” or the letter “S.” Some of the spinal bones may have rotated sideways, making the person’s shoulders and waist look uneven. If the angle is over 40 to 50 degrees, however, the individual may require surgery to lessen the degree and alleviate the accompanying pain.
For most patients, the cause of scoliosis remains unknown. However, it is often associated with muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, or birth defects. It can also develop when a person is 10 to 12 years old, while other instances even manifest in infants. In most cases, the situation does not require correction because the body will do so naturally. If the patient has a structural curve, however, the condition may become permanent, and it could also mean that the patient has an underlying medical condition.
How chiropractor treatments help
It’s been said that traditional chiropractors try to look for stuck joints, believing that it’s the cause of the pain and discomfort that patients with scoliosis feel. These traditional professionals will then work to relieve the joints to a more natural position. However, know that joint mobility is not the underlying problem. It is commonly the location of the joints that are putting pressure on the spinal joints, aggravating the surrounding nerves, and making the pain of the condition unbearable.
A chiropractor will reposition the spinal joints first to act as an overhaul that needs a more holistic approach. The patient may have to train their mind to use different muscles and joints so that the body will be accustomed to the treatment. Aside from that, the chiropractor will recommend a special diet that addresses low bone density. They will also suggest supplements that suppress the production of cytokines, which is a component that aids the progression of Scoliosis.
Scoliosis is a medical condition that affects the spine, and it is a condition that affects over nine million people in the United States alone. With chiropractic treatment, it is one of the many treatments available to alleviate the pain and misery that scoliosis causes.
If you’re in New York and are looking for scoliosis chiropractors for your spinal condition, visit Scoli-Fit NYC today! We are experts in alternative scoliosis treatment that can help both children and adults.
January 29, 2020
What You Should Know about Scoliosis & Chiropractic Care – Our Guide
Scoliosis is a common medical condition in which someone’s spine has a sideways curve. A spine that does not experience scoliosis will look straight when viewed from behind. In a spine with scoliosis, however, the joints bend into a C-shape (a single curve) or an S-shape (a double curve).
Commonly affecting young females around 10 to 15 years old, scoliosis is mild but can become a severe health threat if left unaddressed. Advanced scoliosis curvatures can even contribute to chronic back pain, lung and heart tissue compression, and various nerve disorders. In addition, pronounced scoliosis can create a negative self-image affected individuals.
What causes scoliosis?
There are various types of scoliosis, but its most common form is called adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (‘scoliosis of unknown origin’). In some people, scoliosis curves can be traced to structural abnormalities, such as incorrectly formed vertebrae or disc derangements.
Other times, these curves can be linked to imbalances in spinal musculature, nervous system disorders, or leg-length differences. If the lateral curve occurs in your mid-spine, your rib position shifts concerning their connections with this spinal area.
How do you know if you have scoliosis?
Aside from the curve, chiropractors commonly look for abnormal protrusion of the ribs and conduct a test to see a person’s capacity to perform a range of motions. During this test, an individual bends forward to touch their toes, and the chiropractor observes the ribs on either side of the spine.
If one side of the ribs sits higher than the other, the chiropractor will suspect scoliosis. This same test may be used to determine the specific causes of this condition, and the severity of the curvature. However, because not all chiropractors can diagnose scoliosis, it is important to find a professional who will be there throughout the assessment.
Can scoliosis be cured?
For mild cases, the patient is usually only monitored for progression. Know that mild curvature does not cause back pain any more than the normal spine. However, if the curve shows signs of rapid progression, or increases beyond 30 degrees, treatment is then highly recommended. With proper monitoring and treatment, scoliosis should not hinder anyone from having a healthy, normal lifestyle. Nevertheless, if you suspect that you have scoliosis, the first step is to visit your chiropractor immediately.
Because of the dangerous nature of a scoliosis curve, parents are advised to watch for signs that their child’s spine is starting to bend. The symptoms include uneven hips or shoulders, or the body leaning to one side. Scoliosis damage may be minimized if treated early, so be sure to have your child’s spine checked regularly to prevent the incidence of abnormal spinal curves.
Know that chiropractic adjustments can significantly reduce the angle of the scoliosis curve. Visiting a chiropractor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis will help prevent the onset of severe spinal deformities.
If you are looking for a scoliosis chiropractor in the NYC area, contact us at ScolioFit NYC today. Our doctors specialize in scoliosis and kyphosis treatments and can customize a program to a patient’s specific needs. Book an appointment with us today so that we can help you manage your spine problems.
January 22, 2020
Our Chiropractor’s Guide to Fixing Scoliosis – What to Know
Scoliosis is a common problem faced by many people across the globe. It is a medical condition in which a person’s spine has a sideways curve—usually “S” or “C”—over three dimensions. The degree of curve is sometimes stable for some, but it can increase over time for some people. Mild scoliosis doesn’t pose any concerning problems, but severe cases can impact the individual’s quality of life. For this reason, constant monitoring and treatment of scoliosis are important.
It is where chiropractic healthcare comes into the picture. Chiropractic healthcare entails taking diagnoses and treating mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. As it particularly deals with the spine, chiropractic care appears to be a viable solution in diagnosing and treating scoliosis.
The question is: Can a chiropractor fix scoliosis then? We’ll answer this in the following section.
What to know about fixing scoliosis
First off, we need to understand that scoliosis is treatable, but it isn’t curable. It is like diabetes, where the condition requires ongoing and long-term care. It’s actually a condition that has to be dealt with for the rest of your life. That’s where a chiropractor comes in to play a major role.
For this reason, finding the right chiropractor for the correct diagnosis and ongoing treatment of your scoliosis becomes imperative. Know that you can live a normal life with the right approach to managing your scoliosis. You can improve the quality of your life significantly without bracing or surgery, as long as you stay committed to the plan you’ve developed with your doctor.
Not all chiropractors can address scoliosis
It’s worth knowing that not all chiropractors can deal with scoliosis. That’s why, as mentioned above, you have to choose the right chiropractor who can deal with the following:
- Diagnoses: There’s an idea in the medical field that says, “you can’t be a better clinician than you are a diagnostician.” This means that you can’t treat something you can’t adequately diagnose. The truth is, most chiropractors aren’t trained or equipped to diagnose issues related to scoliosis effectively. It can be rather hard for them to provide the proper treatments if they can’t fully diagnose your condition. Hence, look for a chiropractor who can have an effective diagnosis. He or she should be able to develop a treatment plan that’s right for you and likely to deliver results.
- Treatment: When the treatment plan has been set in place, you can see your chiropractor on a regular basis. Know, however, that treating scoliosis with a traditional chiropractic approach can aggravate the situation. That said, your chiropractor should be acquainted with the modern approach to chiropractic treatments that work best with scoliosis. First off, the joints of the spine need to be repositioned. Second, your brain needs to be retrained to use the muscles and spinal joints differently than it’s become accustomed to. All of these should be considered in order for scoliosis to be treated effectively. On a more specific and practical note, your chiropractor should regularly perform scoliosis massages, stretches, and exercises along with scoliosis-specific adjustments.
Going back to the main question, can a chiropractor fix scoliosis? The answer is yes, but you have to be selective in choosing the right chiropractor for the proper diagnosis and long-term treatment of your scoliosis. After all, chiropractic healthcare should help—and not harm you—in the long run. Ultimately, your chiropractor should be able to improve the quality of your life substantially.
If you’re looking for a scoliosis chiropractor in NYC, get in touch with us to see how we can help.