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April 4, 2014

Treatment for scoliosis

Treatment for scoliosis recommendations are based on comprehensive examinations which include; Neurologic, Orthopedic, Radiologic, and Postural findings.

Age, growth and bone maturity are not necessarily limiting factors for most patients. The Spinecor Brace and Schroth Exercise Program are effective in both Children and Adults with Scoliosis. Expected outcomes vary depending upon the individual patient more than their age or growth potential.

Treatment for Scoliosis without the use of bracing- Scoliosis bracing continues to be controversial due to its difficult nature and long course of treatment, however, the use of scoliosis braces has been shown to alter the natural history of the disease.  Therefore, bracing is a usefull tool in the non-surgical management of scoliosis, and the question is not if bracing should be used, but what type of brace is best. Chiropractic and other non-bracing proceedures may serve to increase flexibility and may even create a transient reduction in the measurement of the curvature, however, they have not been shown to make a lasting impact on the natural history of the disease.  Therefore we continue to recommend the spinecor scoliosis brace for Juvienial and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in conjunction with the Schroth Method exercises.

In Adult scoliosis, whether it be De-Novo or long standing in nature, spinal degeneration and postural weakness make the Spinecor brace a vital component to treatment success. Patients who are able to make lifestyle changes necessary to exercise 4-6 hours per day may not need the Spinecor brace, but the majority of adults with scoliosis must continue to work and cannot feasibly make corrections to their spine without the use of a postural support such as Spinecor.

Internal Representation of Self – Postural re-education is a necessary part of the rehabilitation process. Through conscious posturing exercises and walking, patients are taught to become aware of body position and can consciously reduce the effects of sitting, slouching and habituatal movement on Scoliosis.

Neurological Influence on Posture – When neurological dysfunction arises from central origin, active inhibition of muscle compartments is lost, this over activity can be reduced with muscle stretching techniques which include Chiropractic Neurology procedures.
Muscle Activation Strategies With improved sense of self, and reduced neurological interference, retraining of muscle activation patterns is more probable.  See below for more…

1. Vestibular Rehabilitation For Scoliosis: Many studies identify vestibular and oculomotor dysfunction in the majority of patients with Scoliosis. Habituation training and vestibular therapy exercises may be appropriate for patients with vestibular involvement in their Scoliosis. Therapies and exercises to improve the central neurological controls of posture may include vestibular and oculomotor rehabilitation. Following a functional neurological evaluation, including the use of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to evaluate vestibular function, a neurological retraining program is designed for patients individually.
2. Exercise Physiology Training For Scoliosis: Procedures utilized may include: Respiratory exercises using trunk positioning, sustained contraction exercises to influence muscle fiber changes, Active Isolated Stretch and Myofascial Release Technique for active inhibition of shortened musculature, Dynamic Vestibulospinal Rehabilitation training may also be appropriate to influence new muscle recruitment patterns.
3. Dynamic Flexion Distraction of the Spine: The flexion distraction table is a special device designed to stretch the spine through a gentle, non-force procedure. It is mostly recommended in cases with pain and diminished ranges of motion. Spinal rotation and lateral flexion activity is often restricted and may lead to abnormal muscle recruitment strategies. Spinal curvatures can be manually stretched while bringing the patient through a corrective movement strategy. Correct coupled motion is therapeutic and creates feedback though spinal sensory system. These procedures are designed to allow for greater correction with the use of a dynamic truncal orthosis.
5. Nutritional Support: Exercise and physiotherapy procedures create free radicals which may be effectively neutralized with certain nutritional supplements. Postural tone may also be improved with the use of certain coenzymes and fatty acids. Many patients with Scoliosis have digestive problems and may respond well to digestive enzyme support.

April 4, 2014

“My doctor told me to wait and see.”


“My child was diagnosed with scoliosis by our pediatrician, she referred us to an Orthopedist, but he said not to worry and come back in 6 months.”
This is a scenario we hear every day at Scoliosis Systems LLP. Unfortunately, the early diagnosis of Scoliosis, without early intervention leaves many of these patients in less than favorable circumstances. Scoliosis is progressive and can get worse without treatment. Orthopedic recommendations to wait and forego early treatment may reduce over treatment, but will also fail to adeuetely care… for many patients that may have benefited from early treatment.
Families are often under-informed during the early stages of a diagnosis such as Scoliosis.  Doctors have had little ability to predict which patients will have a progressive condition resulting in surgery, and which may have only need for non-surgical treatment.  Without certainty, doctors have agreed to say little, and hope for the best. When Scoliosis progression becomes evident, orthopedic recommendations of hard bracing often fall short of success.  Patients and families are often encouraged to avoid chiropractic and physical therapy approaches designed to reverse the effects of Scoliosis. Without an objective eye, alternatives to “watching and waiting” are not suggested to patients and families, even in cases where peer reviewed successes have been reported.
A study recently published reported patients and families felt under-informed prior to their doctor recommending surgery, and better informed when surveyed months after surgery. I don’t think this is surprising to most, although I do think most don’t want this to be them.  Why are our doctors keeping patients and families under informed? It may be the uncertainty of their own intervention has paralyzed them, and change now must come from the alternative providers and the patients they help.  Advances in diagnosis, treatment and monitoring cannot be ignored, if significant improvements in non-surgical outcomes are to be realized. Some important improvements include the use of MRI for diagnosis and monitoring, the Scoliscore test to identify patients at high risk of progressive scoliosis, and the Spinecor brace for scoliosis.
Recently the Scoliscore genetic test has made the news, and offers promise moving forward to better predict which patients should pursue aggressive non-surgical treatment protocols.  High scores indicate a genetic predisposition for progressive scoliosis, and the likelihood standard orthopedic methods will be ineffective. Low scores indicate there is less likelihood a patient would benefit from surgery, and can be interpreted as an opportunity to maximize non-surgical treatment through sustained therapy designed to reduce and minimize scoliosis.
April 4, 2014

Scoliosis Affects the Entire Body

Scoliosis Affects are on the Entire Body

Scoliosis is generally viewed as a lateral curvature of the spine with an axial twist that causes a distortion of the ribs. Current research shows that idiopathic scoliosis is a multifaceted disease that compromises five of the body’s systems: digestive, hormonal, muscular, osseous (bones), and neurologic.

Scoliosis affects the entire skeletal system including the spine, ribs, and pelvis. It impacts upon the brain and central nervous system and affects the body’s hormonal and digestive systems. It can deplete the body’s nutritional resources and damage its major organs including the heart and lungs.

Some factors that can cause scoliosis include: cerebral palsy, birth defects, muscular dystrophy and Marfan syndrome. However, 80% of scoliosis is idiopathic (unknown in origin).

According to the International Scoliosis Society, one in nine females and a smaller percentage of males have some sign of scoliosis. Approximately 4% of the general population is affected. While the average patient is between 10-15 years of age, many adults suffer from this disease as well.

Conditions arising as a result of scoliosis include rib deformity, shortness of breath, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, acute or dull back pain, leg, hip, and knee pain, acute headaches, mood swings, and menstrual disturbances.

Scoliosis is a progressive condition that can continue to progress even after skeletal maturity. Millions of scoliosis sufferers are routinely misinformed about the accelerating nature of their spinal curvature progression.

Gary A. Deutchman, D.C.
Please include your NAME and ADDRESS in your email.
April 4, 2014

Scoliosis Systems Patient Avoids Surgery

We often accept patients that have been recommended for surgery, if we believe we can create a meaniful reduction of their scoliosis.  This series of x-rays show the efficacy of our treatment program, and it also demonstrates the lasting changes that can be made, even after the patient is released from care. This patient was referred by her chiropractor after a 36 degree scoliosis was found.  The spinecor brace was fitted and reduced the scoliosis to 30 degrees while in the brace. The corrective movement approach to bracing does not require dramatic reduction of the scoliosis while in the brace, it is more important to influence movement and posture without totally imobilizing the patient.  The initial treatment plan included the use of the spinecor scoliosis brace and appropriate vestibular rehabilitaiton.  An x-ray was exposed 3 months after the initial fitting of the brace, and it revealed a slight progression to 41 degrees cobb.  No changes were made to the treatmemt protocol, which included 20 hours of brace wearing per day, and daily exercises to educate a new movement strategy.  The patient continued to follow the treatment protocols for 2 plus years.  She was weaned out of the brace over a six month period, and then was released from care.  A follow up 3 years later included an x-ray exposure which revealed a 34 degree curvature.  This is evidence of the lasting corrections acheivable with our program.    This patient avoided an unneccesary back surgery which could have had devistating results.
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36° Initial 2 in brace 30° 34° 2 + yrs out of brace

February 28, 2014

Improve the central neurological controls of posture

Vestibular problems resulting in; vertigo, dyslexia, balance disorders and postural disorganization, can respond well to treatment. Dr. Marc Lamantia is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist with experience in the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness and other balance disorders. Our facilities are equipped with Video Infrared Electronystagmography (VNG); sophisticated diagnostic equipment to evaluate vestibular imbalances. Dr. Lamantia is an expert in the evaluation of vestibular testing, and will customize a treatment program based directly on your vestibular testing results. This is unique and often can be the difference between effective and ineffective treatment. Contact our offices to discuss your case. Below are so terms you may not be familiar with;

Vestibulo-Ocular Dysfunction: Research has linked vestibular and oculomotor dysfunction with dizziness, dyslexia, anxiety and Scoliosis. Hypoplasia of the brainstem may be an underlying cause when both scoliosis and ocular gaze palsy is present. MRI can be helpful in this diagnosis.

Vestibulo-Spinal Dysfunction: The Vestibular influence on lumbar spine and lower limb muscles have been found to be asymmetrical in patients with scoliosis and balance disorders. Appropriate evaluation can lead to functional rehabilitation and resolution of your problem.

Vestibular and Oculomotor Testing: Video Electronystagmography is the gold standard for evaluating vestibular and oculomotor function.  Studies show well planned vestibular rehabilitation can effectively reduce vestibulo-ocular and vestibulo-spinal dysfunction. Dr. Lamantia has performed thousands of these proceedures and is considered a leader in his profession.

Vestibular Rehabilitation for Patients with Scoliosis: Postural habits of head tilt and asymmetric activation of muscles during movement can exacerbate scoliosis, and interfere with non-surgical reduction of scoliosis. Normal vestibular function is necessary to re-educate muscle recruitment patterns.  Vestibular rehabilitation can be prescribed following a complete neurological evaluation including VNG and other clinical testing.