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    Marc Lamantia D.C.

December 4, 2019

Our Guide To Schroth Method: Exercises for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a common spine condition that is found in a whopping 3 million adolescents in the United States, a number that rises every year for children ages 10 to 12 years old. It’s a spinal problem that happens during the different stages of a growth spurt before puberty, wherein the spine develops a sideways curvature. 

Most cases of scoliosis are non-threatening. However, some may struggle with further deformities as the victims grow. This will eventually lead to compromising the patient’s lungs, which results in difficulty in breathing and even disabling in worst-case scenarios. Symptoms include the following: 

  • Uneven shoulders
  • Uneven waist
  • One hip higher than the other

That’s where the Schroth method comes in, a form of physical therapy that aims to correct the curvatures of the spine. 

What is the Schroth Method for Scoliosis?

As mentioned above, the Schroth method is a physical exercise that helps patients strengthen the inner muscles of the rib cage to elongate the trunk and improve the spinal shape. The non-invasive treatment will include specific activities tailored to the needs of the patient, though most will rely on corrective breathing techniques to centralize the spine. 

What Can You Expect from the Schroth Method? 

Beyond developing muscles to straighten the spine, the corrective exercise also aims to achieve the following: 

  • Stabilization of the curve
  • Mobilization of stiff body parts
  • Improve postural alignment
  • Teach activities for a healthier lifestyle
  • Promote corrections
  • Enhance neuromuscular control
  • Increase muscle strength and endurance
  • Pain reduction
  • Improve cardio-pulmonary function

Each therapy session will have a duration between 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the severity of the patient’s scoliosis. With that in mind, most will revolve around low-impact exercises wherein a physical therapist will hold the body to assist in standing, sitting, and lying down positions. 

Meanwhile, the regimen also includes props like wall ladder, poles, exercise bands, and therapy balls to add a dynamic approach on top of breathing and posture correcting techniques. 

Essential Components of the Schroth Method

1. Muscular Symmetry

The muscles in your back are highly dependant on the curvature of the spine, which means that individuals with scoliosis may suffer from uneven muscle strength. One side will weaken through the years, while the other will overwork itself, creating a painful imbalance. Schroth exercises aim to strike a balance and enhance the back’s muscular symmetry. 

2. Rotational Angular Breathing 

Scoliosis affects the rib cage, which can cause breathing difficulties for the patient. Schroth exercises help rotate the spine using a rotational angular technique that reshapes the surrounding tissue and promotes better breathing for individuals.

How Does the Schroth Method Help Treat Scoliosis? 

The conservative exercises will help patients realign their posture without the use of any surgical interventions. It allows individuals across the world to keep the symptoms of scoliosis at bay by using stretches and tailor-made exercises to strengthen the inner muscles of the rib cage. 

This method will centralize the curvature of the spine in all three planes of the body, which also increases lung capacity and improve the patient’s overall posture. 

If you are looking for a scoliosis chiropractor in NYC, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.

October 24, 2018

Scoliosis Progression – Sign and Symptoms Of Rapid Progression Curves

What Can Cause Your Scoliosis To Progressive Rapidly?

pedist consider that once a child stops growing the risk for progression of their scoliosis goes away, the fact is that this is only partially true. While the risk for rapid progression diminishes greatly at skeletal maturity, it is not the only time in life that scoliosis can progress. In fact, for a woman with scoliosis there are 3 times in her life that she risks rapid progression of her scoliosis curves, if she’s not doing anything to stabilize her spine.

3 Times of Life A Woman’s At Risk For Scoliosis Progression

  • Puberty – Rapid Growth & Hormonal Changes
  • Pregnancy – Hormone Relaxin Relaxes Ligaments
  • Menopause – Bony Changes

Additional Risk for Slow Progression of Scoliosis

In addition to the risk for rapid progression scoliosis research shows that once a curve reaches a certain tipping point (generally considered around 30°) gravity really starts to takes advantage of the imbalanced spine. Gravitational pull can cause a slow progression of about 1° per year. At that rate it would mean a 14 year old girl with a 30° curve, if she did nothing to help stabilize her spine, could end up with a 50° curve by the time she is 34 years old.

Keys to Scoliosis Correction & Stability

Moving the Body More Towards the Mid-Line – Reduces imbalanced gravitational forces
Strengthen Specifically Weakened Muscles in the Spine and Trunk – Relieves muscle strain to the other side
Improve Patterns of Movement and Postural Awareness – Keeping your spine from collapsing into the downward spiral of scoliosis

June 7, 2018

SCOLI-FIT SCHROTH Scoliosis Exercise Group Classes

Schroth Scoliosis Exercise Group Classes

Learn how Schroth Scoliosis exercise group classes can be customized to help you improve your quality of life. Scoliosis Specific Exercises according the Schroth Method aim to encourage Autocorrection of the posture as well as reshaping of the 3 dimensional posture using breathing, isometric poses, and dynamic movement control. Scoli-Fit Schroth Scoliosis Group classes are offered in New York City at two locations

Schroth NYC Exercises

Scoliosis Systems LLP 160 Broadway Floor 16, NY NY 10038

Thrusday June 14, 6:30pm-7:30pm

Tuesday June 19, 6:30pm-7:30pm

Cost: $25


1-212-360-7760 (Limited Space Available)

Instructors: Marc Lamantia -Schroth Certified in Germany,

Arielle Klig, Schroth Trained in the Barcelona School Technique.

About Us: Scoliosis Systems LLP is a national organization of doctors and therapists dedicated to the health and well being of persons with scoliosis. Dr. Lamantia was Schroth Certified in Germany in 2008. For the past decade he has been developing the Scoli-Fit Schroth protocols.  Scoli-Fit takes the best of the Original Schroth Method and modernizes it to be fun and effective. Here are some of the Topics you’ll learn about

  • Corrective Breathing; Synergy of Use of the diagphram and intercostal muscles
  • The role of Stretching and How to Stretch muscles, vs Ligaments, Slow stretch vs Fast Stretch
  • How to understand how your body moves; Sensory integration of movement if often unreliable in scoliosis
  • Isometric poses cleverly designed to help you access dormant muscle groups.
  • How to use movement to enhance your outcomes; walking, swimming, climbing.
  • Proper sitting postures.
May 30, 2018

June is Scoliosis Awareness Month

June is Scoliosis Awareness month; here is what you can do.

Please join us in bringing awareness to those with scoliosis that surgery is not the only option. Despite multiple studies have shown that over a 30 year period, scoliosis surgery adversely affected the quality of life scores when compared to those that chose to live well with scoliosis. The orthopedic insistence that surgery is the only option has handcuffed the families and patients into accepting a treatment they knew wasn’t the best option for them. Today things are changing. Thanks to our patients who spoke up and let people know of the their success. Use your personal social media platform this month to make people aware that scoliosis can be managed without surgery. Here are 3 things you can do to help.

Things to do during Scoliosis Awareness month (June)

  1. Post a picture of yourself doing something inspiring and tell your story

  2. Write a testimonial and send it to us and we’ll post your story

  3. Make a donation to the non profit Scoliosis care Foundation

Together we can help people help themselves. Thank you for your involvement.


Drs Marc Lamantia, Gary Deutchman, Brett Diaz, Daniel Pagan, Arielle Klig, Kelsey Wiginton, Gigi Leonte, Steven Geanopulos, Morgan Maddox

February 21, 2018

Scoliosis Nutrition; INFLAM-FX by Cyrene Labs is a Potent Anti-inflammatory formula, Now Available!

Scoliosis Nutrition; INFLAM-FX is a potent natural Anti-inflammatory formula designed to target bone health

  • Is clinically shown to reduce joint stiffness within 3 days*
  • Is clinically shown to reduce joint discomfort within 5 days*
  • Is clinically shown to increase range of motion and physical function within 7 days*
  • Supports joint health through a multi-pronged mechanism of action*
  • Backed by two randomized, double-blind human clinical trials
  • Is proven safe through dozens of safety studies and long-term human consumption
  • Provides potent antioxidant activity*
  • Promotes healthy aging and overall wellbeing*
  • Undergoes stringent QA processes for guaranteed purity and potency



Turn off the Cytokine Flow to stop scoliosis progression and degeneration with scoliosis nutrition.

Research is pointing towards the immune response as the mechanism responsible for trophic (tissue) changes associated with scoliosis curvature progression. Through the process of inflammation, cytokines (proteins that are released when tissues are damaged) mediate a pro-inflammatory response that can be switched on without limitation, which ultimately leads to fatty infiltration of the concavity musculature in particular, through an immune muscle cross talk, and progressive bone and joint deformity via an immune bone cross talk.

The pro inflammatory cytokines also have an effect on the non-endcoded nuclear DNA responsible for switching genes on and off. We know this as the epigenetic response. Epigenetics factors have been shown to be controllable through nutritional changes. Below is a list of nutrients we recommend for our patients.

Univestin: A combination of botanicals clinically shown to reduce joint pain but more importantly for scoliosis patients is the mechanism in which it works. These botanicals have been shown to reduce the influence of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Univestin Address the COX-2, 5-LOX, prostaglandins, oxidative stress and ROS production*

Joint discomfort and stiffness is caused by a complex cascading reaction to thinning joint cartilage. Many joint health ingredients attempt to tamp down the body’s natural “reaction cascade” by addressing a single mechanism-of-action (MOA), but research has shown that the body often adjusts to such single-channel solutions by activating activity in other channels.

Univestin’s patented multi-channel approach combines flavonoid-enriched plant extracts that have been clinically shown to balance activity across multiple “prongs” of the reaction cascade, soothing joint discomfort and relieving stiffness.* Scoliosis progression has been shown to involve these same metabolic pathways and clinically should be managed in a similar way.

Nutrition has been shown to be an effective way to modify cytokines levels and thereby effectively blunting the downstream effect which ultimately could lead to progression and or degeneration. Specifically Tumeric and Grape Seed Extract have been shown to reduce pro inflammatory cytokines when given in clinically significant amounts.
Quercetin Dihydrate is a Flavonoid polyphenol which is most beneficial for down-regulating inflammatory cytokines or suppressing inflammatory pathways and functions. Quercetin is considered the most diffuse nature-derived flavonol there is, showing strong effects on immunity and inflammation caused by leukocytes and other intracellular signals. Scoliosis progression is reliant on these same pathways.

Grape Seed Extract has been shown to improve bone health in animal studies, as well as being a powerful antioxidant.

Changes of Selenium, Copper, and Zinc Content in Hair and Serum of Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis has also been reported.

Ingredients: d-a-Tocopheryl Acet 700iu, Quercetin Dihydrate, Tumeric, Grape Seed Ext ,Vit D 3 2000IU, Selenomethionine, Copper Citrate, Manganese chelazome zinc glyciate chelate citric acid fine granular anhydr Vit K2, Sunflower Lecithin, aquamin (Marine Algae)

*these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, furthermore this product is not meant do diagnose or treat any condition and should not be taken without the consultation with your physician.